Partner or Shareholder Disputes
Shareholder disputes can arise for a variety of reasons, whether because of suspected fraud or contractual issues. One of the most common disputes surfaces around questions of fair compensation and benefits given to shareholders or partners. We can assist in resolving disputes by reducing ambiguity in accounting and financial aspects of the situation. Maybe you are dealing with one of the following issues and need our expert advice on how you should proceed:
- Denial of access to books and records.
- Excluding minority shareholder(s) from business decisions.
- Not providing notice of board of director meetings.
- Involuntary reduction in salary and benefits of minority leaders.
- Deviation by the majority in business practices with the intention of excluding the minority shareholder(s).
- Involuntary dissolution of the company by the majority.
- Awarding excessive compensation to the majority shareholder(s).
- Involuntary termination of the minority shareholder(s).
- Allowing personal expenses to be paid by the business.
- Misuse, misapplication, or waste of corporate resources.
- Non-payment or inadequate payment of dividends.